Emotional Atlas of Bidasoa
Atlas: A collection of maps, mainly geographical, presented in book or notebook form.
This project arises as a continuation of the research carried out thanks to the 2019 Ribera Grant awarded by Irun City Council, which was entitled "Emotional Cartography of Bidasoa".
The main idea revolves around the decision to carry out a practical mediation exercise on the contents researched. Not only to highlight different characters, events, hobbies, etc., but also to work on it in a transversal way with different artistic disciplines.
We are sure that research of these characteristics that deals with interculturality, in a border context at the moment we are living in, provides more plural results in the revision of many aspects of the historical memory of this territory. "In a time of globalisation, the most revealing object of study, the most questioning of ethnocentric or disciplinary pseudo-certainties is interculturality" (Canclini, 2006: 101). Interculturality is the tool with which we have to work for integration. Dialogue, in order to understand and accept our diversity as cultural richness and intangible world heritage, is the basis of our coexistence.
We have called it an atlas, because it presents a series of educational booklets combined with the work of the illustrator Elena Odriozola, highlighting relevant social aspects. Ten small notebooks that tell stories of a geographical space written in an elegant way by María José Noain Maura and with a language that is accessible to all kinds of audiences.
Texts: Maria José Noain Maura
Coordination and layout: Helga Massetani Piemonte
Ilustrations: Elena Odriozola
Traduction: Joxan Elosegi
LG D 00104-2022
Web of Scientific Journal - Ausart 10
Massetani Piemonte, Helga. 2022. «Emotional Atlas of Bidasoa». AusArt 10 (2)
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Research project
Artistic residencies / New approaches
The initiative to review the programmes of aid for creation organised by Bitamine Faktoria over the last 10 years arose shortly after the period of pandemics, confinements and limitations on many of the freedoms we had enjoyed until then.
It is true that the new present had changed as a consequence of the events. The economy had been affected, many families had lost loved ones, the routine and changing restrictions we faced on a daily basis made us feel lost and hopeless. But also, people had changed. Many of us have taken advantage of this hiatus to slow down, reflect, analyse, blame ourselves, accept that sometimes we lose and even take away burdensome duties. To question our objectives and look for answers.
Continuing with the model we had proposed until then in our structure was irresponsible. And the answers would not appear on their own, they had to be sought.
Within this framework, a long task was planned, with concrete phases, articulated with each other and consecutive in time.
A research project was launched in November 2021 to find out the state of the artistic and cultural sector in the Basque Country, and it was carried out throughout 2022.
Many people have been involved in the work process, which has been an invaluable source of knowledge, and it is thanks to all of them that we can now share these results, which I sincerely hope will be useful and fruitful for the sector.
Download the research
Design: Estudio Moriskette
Emotional Atlas of Bidasoa - exhibition
2023.02.03 / 2023.06.04
An exhibition at the Oiasso Roman Museum (Irun) curated and art directed by Helga Massetani Piemonte and María José Noain Maura.
"It is not possible to bathe twice in the same river". This famous phrase, perhaps erroneously attributed to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, is perfect for reflecting on the Bidasoa. Its character as a border river, since ancient times, has allowed it to see the most varied historical events, to hear different languages on its banks, to host great celebrations and great tragedies, to become a mute witness to the passing of time. The river Bidasoa is the protagonist of this exhibition and comes to life through the voices of its inhabitants.
In 2019, Bitamine Faktoria (Helga Massetani Piemonte) and Los Viajes de Aspasia (María José Noain Maura) received the Ribera grant from Irun City Council to develop a project that at the time was called "Cartografía Emocional del Bidasoa" (Emotional Cartography of the Bidasoa). Previous work was carried out on the history of artistic cartography which was followed by anthropological research, in which, through surveys and group interviews, the emotional perception that the inhabitants of its banks have of the Bidasoa was collected. In this way, a conceptual and artistic map of the river's memory was drawn up.
The project was continued in 2021, taking on a new dimension that transformed it into "Atlas Emocional del Bidasoa". It was then the Olatuak grant from the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the Creation Aid from Irun Town Council that facilitated the transformation of the research into an artist's book: an edition of ten literary and historical notebooks, illustrated by Elena Odriozola. Ten of the themes most highlighted by the citizens during the research phase were chosen and are now transformed into ten modules that make up this exhibition. Each module talks about an aspect, but not only for information purposes, but also as an artistic installation that aims to evoke memories, stir emotions, rescue from oblivion what we were, are and want to be. They can be visited in the order that each person chooses: the important thing is to move between them, like the waters of the river. After all, as the Greek philosopher himself said, everything flows, nothing remains.
Komisariotza / Comisariado: Helga Massetani Piemonte, María José Noain Maura
Ilustrazioak / Ilustraciones: Elena Odriozola
Ekoizpena / Producción: Ander Garmendia
Eskerrak / Agradecimientos
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia / Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa
Gordailua. Gipuzkoako Ondare Bildumen Zentroa / Centro de Colecciones Patrimoniales de Gipuzkoa.
Hondarribiko Udala / Ayuntamiento de Hondarribia
Irungo Udal Artxiboa / Archivo Municipal de Irun
Kutxa Fundazioa
San Telmo Museoa
Irungo Memoria Historikoaren Bulegoa /Oficina Memoria Histórica de Irun
José Luis Noain Cendoya
"Nicolás Guerendiain" Irungo Errepublikarrak / Asociación Republicana Irunesa “Nicolás Guerendiain”
Eta ikerketa-fasean parte hartu zuten guztiei. / A todas las personas que participaron en la fase de investigación.